Thursday, May 25, 2017

Congratulations, You've Won a Million Dollars! Now What!?

First of all, Congratulations. Second, I don't want your money. But many other people will, including long lost relatives, the aging relative, every charity you can think of (and then some) and your friends. The purpose of this is to help you keep your money.

My research has revealed that people who suddenly come into wealth, such as in an inheritance or a lottery winning, - like you for example - often go through all they've received within 2 years. During these two years they are often subjected to an unusually high amount of stress and have friends and relatives they never knew they had come asking them for money.

Many people often feel guilty. "Why me?" "What do I do with this?" "Who do I turn to?" "Who do I trust?" Hopefully, you won't experience any of these feelings and everything will go smoothly for you. But if you find yourself feeling this way, you aren't alone.

To help, I've developed some simple rules or guidelines. Accept those which feel right to you or which seem to make sense. If it feels wrong or just doesn't make sense, don't do it.

1. Wait. This is already what most people do. Wait a few days until the excitement dies down before claiming your money. This gives you time to calm down and relax and look at the situation a little more rationally. Winning a large jackpot is a big responsibility and you need time to get yourself used to the idea.

2. While you're waiting those few days, find yourself a competent attorney and a good accountant, CPA or financial advisor. How do you find such people? Trust your friends. Yeah, the word may leak that you've won, but it is more important to get an attorney and financial advisor in place rather than not trust your friends and go to the lottery office without such a team behind you. Who would your friends recommend? Ask them, ask around. Maybe you could consult the mayor of your town - if its small, or ask your doctor, tax preparer or someone who owns a small business. You could also just go through the Yellow Pages and select a few financial service firms at random and then call them for an initial appointment. When you appear for the appointment, be honest, tell them you won the big jackpot and ask them what suggestions they have on how you should invest the money. Meet each of the advisors you select and then wait at least 24 hours after meeting with the last before deciding which one you'll be working with. Then call that one back and give them the good news. Trust me, they'll be very happy.

3. While you're waiting, you may want to change your phone number and/or get yourself a new mailing address - a post office box or a mail box at a nearby mailing service. Otherwise you'll be inundated with phone calls and proposals in the mail to help you part with your money.

So you go to the lottery office and collect the big check. You get your smiling face on all the local (and maybe national) media. So what's next?

4. Take 10% and blow it. Yeah, this may not seem like sound investment advice, but you've just won the lottery for pete's sake! Have fun! That's what winning is all about. Take that vacation you've always wanted. Get that sports car you've always dreamed of. Throw yourself the biggest party you can imagine. Rent out the nightclub or restaurant or theater for you and some of your best friends. Have a good time. Have fun. But don't forget:

5. Be yourself. Don't be someone you're not. Don't assume "airs" or a persona just because you're suddenly wealthy. Your friends will resent it and sooner or later, so will you. This really hasn't been much of a problem for most people and shouldn't be with you, so just keep it in mind.

6. If you don't go to church or believe in God or a Supreme Being of some kind, now may be a good time to reconsider your position. You're going to need all the advice, wisdom and support you can get. When friends and family you never knew you had suddenly begin calling you and showing up on your doorstep, you may start to wonder who you can trust. Who will you turn to? God is infinite love and wisdom and this may be just what you need right now.

7. Relax. Don't feel guilty. Praise God. This money is a gift. Lightning has to strike someone sometime. This time it just happend to be you. You may now have enough to retire. If so, go ahead and retire. Quit your job, or at the very least stay away for a few days. You'll probably be too excited to concentrate on your job anyway. So take a vacation and maybe it'll become permanent.

8. Be careful who you trust. All the people you knew and were friends with before you won are probably safe. Any "friends", "relatives" and others you may have encountered since you won may not be.

9. Talk to your family, lawyer and financial planner and set up an investment plan. Discuss what you would do with this money. Don't make any rash decisions. The longer you keep this money in a safe place - even if its just a regular bank account for now - the longer you'll be able to consider all your options, plan for the future, and dream of what could be. Consider capping your donations to church or charities at a maximum of 10%. If you're receiving your money in annual payments, keep your donations at 10% per year. After the first year you may want to increase this percentage, but for the first year, keep donations to a 10% maximum.

10. Don't give money away to just anyone or for any reason. People may start coming out of the woodwork with news of relatives needing lifesaving operations, to pay bills, to start a medical clinic, pay for an abortion, save the whales, feed the hungry, to pay the rent so they won't be evicted, to start a new business which is "guaranteed" to turn their life around, etc. Don't do it. Refer them all to your attorney. Even the United Way, Girl or Boy Scouts, your local church, Red Cross and even your favorite Uncle Billy. Ask them all to submit a written proposal to your attorney. And tell them he'll take it from there.

11. Take a vacation. Get out of the country. Or just get out of the area for a while. You may need a few days, you may need a few weeks. But now is the time to think and relax. You've been given a great gift. What are you going to do with it? To figure that out, take that vacation you've always wanted. Go away. Go someplace where no one knows you. Take your immediate family (or not) and bring along a trusted friend or friends or relative(s) if you wish. (Or not.) Go sailing. Go to Europe or Asia. Take that cruise. Go to Las Vegas (but be careful if you go there)(the casinos have many years experience of helping people part with their money), or Cancun or Fiji. Whatever vacation or place you've always wanted, now is the time to do it.

If you take your family, they may impose too greatly upon your conscience. You don't want that. You want to be able to rationally and logically figure out what to do with this great gift you've been given. Having your family around may not allow you to do this. Or it may. Only you can make that determination.

If they are not with you, call home. Call your family, pastor or a trusted friend. Talk. And make lists. This is number 12.

12. Make lists. What dreams did you always want to do or achieve? Who did you always want to be? Now may be the time to do that. Or maybe you'll too old. Or not. And don't be hasty. You've got all the time in the world. You can live anywhere you want. Do anything you want. Buy any car you've wanted. Get that big house in that luxury area.

Keep on making lists. Think about all the things you've written. Do you really want this or that? Do you really want to go here or there? Think about these things. It may take some time, or maybe it won't. Maybe you won't need to get away, maybe you've had all this planned out already, if not on paper then in your head. Enjoy yourself.

13. Move on. Your plans are in place. Your family has been taken care of. Perhaps you've bought that nice house or car you've always wanted. Now is the time to move on. Start living your life. Maybe you won't change anything, or maybe you will. Maybe you'll change everything. But life goes on, and so do you. You may be able to live at a higher level of affluence, you may be able to donate to those charities, you may be able to do some good things you never had the time or money to do before. Now you have both. So do them. You may even want to go back to school. You're never too old. Begin implementing the investment plan you worked out. Begin living that life you dreamed of while on vacation and while making lists. And that's it.

There's plenty of competent investment advice out there so I'm not going to offer any. Except for this. If you're going to buy that new house, pay cash. Buy it outright. Same for the car. Get out of debt. Now is not the time to be adding new debt. You're going to need time to learn how to invest wisely. Many people study for years and never get it right. But with the proper team around you, the love and support of family and friends and God on your side, you'll make the right decisions.

One more thing.


Article Source:

P.S. I am still searching for quality products that will help you. But I have located these four below.

Earn 4.25% Interest - Get Paid Every Month!
Invest in Apartment Buildings for Cash Flow

Investment Secrets of the World's Richest Man

Get Up to 25% with Tax Liens

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Get 10 - 20 Leads a Day

This post is written for the “every man” and "every woman" - the typical MLM marketer or any marketer for that matter who is looking for or needs prospects. So where do we find MLM Prospects?

I am going to give you tips and tricks that I use everyday to generate between 10-20 leads per day for ANY business, that’s right, doesn’t matter if you sell lotions, potions, or pills using the strategies I am going to teach you will generate the leads desired to grow your business! So are you always going to get 10-20 leads per day using these methods? The answer is that gray area, because some days you may hit the numbers right on the head and some days you might go a little under or way over, but if you do the methods consistently you will average these types of leads. Would 10-20 MLM Prospects per day help in your current situation? I bet it would, so follow my methods below and put them in to action everyday!

Method 1: This is my most powerful method to generating an endless supply of MLM prospects, it’s called Viral Blogging and Content Creation!

This method is the cheapest, most effective way to generate a steady flow of residual MLM prospects. So, let me tell ya how its done. The number one thing you want to do is get a blog set up ( I prefer for you to use an Empower Network blog like the one you are seeing now, because of the fact that it is all set up on an authority site which is by default going to get you better results faster, you can get it by clicking one of the banners on the side or at the top or bottom of this blog post ).

If you do not choose to get the Empower blog to generate more MLM Prospects that is totally fine, the method will still work but will take a little more time and effort and may yield slightly less results. After you have your blog set up ( I prefer using word press on a custom domain name ) you are going to want to blog daily, now it doesn’t matter what you blog about at all, you can blog about ANYTHING, the point is to get enough post’s on your blog so that you are all over the place!

IMPORTANT: When you are setting up your blog you want to make sure to include some banners on the side, a link in the navigation bar that invites them to work with you, and make sure to include your primary business on that page and make the banners point to your capture page or business affiliate link etc this is what is going to build your business when your MLM Prospects come to your page. So you can probably see now how much impact this can have if you take action, right? USEFUL INFO: Make sure you search google for “SEO blog training” “Blog Syndication” and “Keyword Research For Blogging” and study up on it, the more you know the more money you will make in your business!

TIP 1: You can outsource your blogging, you can actually go to sites like and pay someone a fee to create SEO blogs for you so you don’t have to worry about any of it.

Method 2: SOLO ADS for MLM Prospects.

This method alone can be up and down, but if you find the right quality solo ads you can absolutely KILL IT! Now, what is a solo ad? A solo ad is basically finding a person with an MLM Prospects list already built, and having them send your ad whatever it may be to that list. There are tons of cheap ways to do this but the most consistent and proven solo ads are between $45-$65 depending on the amount of clicks you want to receive. This is FAST traffic and can really generate MLM Prospects very fast!

TIP 2: When using solo ads you want to make sure you are tracking your links to find out which solo ad providers are producing for you so you can go back to them for results in the future! You can google “Link tracking” “Solo ad link tracking” “How to track links for solo ads” and find tons of useful information!

Method 3: Social Media for MLM Prospects.

This is probably my least used method, but it absolutely works for some fast traffic, but its a little more complex than the other methods. This method requires branding yourself as a leader, adding value, and talking/meeting new people all the time ( which is never a bad thing) Basically, you want to create an account for business, and start to add groups of similar interest, “internet marketing” “network marketing” “MLM” “your company” etc… Join as many as you can, and always stay joining groups! The next step is to add value by posting inspirational/motivational stuff everyday ( NEVER PITCH OR POST PRODUCT LINKS ) when you see people that are actively talking in groups, and or responding to your post’s add them, I suggest adding 10-20 people a day.

Once you have a solid base of friends and you are posting value everyday, you can start conversation with people and build personal friendships ( DO NOT PITCH ) you do not want to talk about your business or product, these chats are specifically to build trust and friendship, you will build the business later. All friends are MLM Prospects but they don’t have to know that! IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a link to your BLOG page and your youtube account ( if you have one ) on your profile so that people can find your site when they are searching around your page.

TIP 3: People join and buy from people who they KNOW AND TRUST! Keep this in mind!

That is all for my basic training on generating MLM Prospects! Do these everyday, and watch your list and sales soar to new heights! Never forget that MLM Prospects are everywhere, never limit yourself to one thing, but never spend time doing something that isn’t getting you the results you are looking for!

A "Numbers" Game or A People Game?

Today I’m going to talk about something you’ve likely heard a LOT from people in Network Marketing.

Truth is, this blanket statement is the biggest LIE about Network Marketing and it’s HURTING your business the more you believe it.

Here’s the thing.

This LIE all boils down to RESPECT.

If you have ANY self respect, and respect human beings at all, THIS is something you need to hear.

Listen in here:

Listen Here

Today I’m going to talk about something you’ve likely heard a LOT from people in Network Marketing.

Truth is, this blanket statement is the biggest LIE about Network Marketing and it’s HURTING your business the more you believe it.

Here’s the thing.

This LIE all boils down to RESPECT.

If you have ANY self respect, and respect human beings at all, THIS is something you need to hear.

Listen in here


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What the Heck is Facebook “Ad Scent” and How to Use It to Get More Leads and Sales?

What the Heck is Facebook “Ad Scent” and How to Use It to Get More Leads and Sales

Written by MATT BARAN


Ever ran an ad that got clicks, but not any sales?

Hey, it happens to the best of us.

And honestly, there are quite a few things that can go wrong.

But there’s one BIG mistake I constantly see people making over and over, and it will cause your ads to bomb each and every time.

This problem is easy to overlook and hard to recognize to the untrained eye, but luckily the fix is simple.

So if you’re actively using Facebook ads in order to build your businesses, generate leads, and generate sales, then you bes’ listen up.

Because with a few quick tweaks, you can easily boost your sales overnight.

Figuring out Facebook advertising

Lately there’s been a bit of a trend where I’ve seen folks in our community saying:

“I spent $50 and got 37 clicks, two leads, and zero sales. What did I do wrong?”

Now, right off the bat I can tell you this isn’t enough information for me to provide a helpful analysis.

To figure out what isn’t working, I’d need to examine the following:

The ad in question

All associated metrics (such as cost per click, click-through rate, and Relevancy score)

Which interests were being targeted

What overall strategy you’re using on your Fan Page

All these elements are important, because I obviously don’t want to give you bad advice.

As much as I’d love to say it’s possible to predict what’s going to perform, even our ads don’t win 100% of the time either.

More than anything, advertising comes down to testing and tweaking to figure out what works.

Read of my thoughts on strategy here:

The Right Mindset for Paid Advertising

The BIG mistake most marketers make

One thing to ALWAYS keep in mind is this…

When you’re advertising anything, including blog posts, landing pages, videos, etc., there is a tendency to forget that every single click you get comes from a REAL person with real feelings, emotions, and interests.

And if someone clicks on your ad, then your ad got them interested in some way.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a star copywriter or you’re just starting out.

If somebody clicked on your ad, then you said something that got them genuinely interested in what you got on the “other side” of that click.

And here’s the thing…

If you’re getting clicks, but not sales, then the problem might just be what happens after the click.

And perhaps less intuitively…

It probably doesn’t have anything to do with what you’re selling, but instead how you’re selling it.

The all-important “Ad Scent”

When your ad campaign is underperforming and you aren’t getting any sales, the issue tends to be what we call “poor ad scent.”

Basically, ad scent is the congruence (or similarity) between what your ad promised and what the person who clicked your ad receives when they get to your page.

Let me give you a very basic example…

Let’s say that you’re a “Paleo” person and eat a Paleo diet that’s FULL of meat.

All meat, all the time!

Then you create an ad promoting the vegan diet.

Now, if somebody scrolls through their News Feed and sees your vegan diet ad, they might think…

“Animals! Awesome! I LOVE animals and totally don’t want to eat them!”

So let’s say they like your Page and click on your ad.

Inevitably, once they get to your website and find information about the Paleo diet, they’re going to get pretty peeved, because the ad had NOTHING to do with the site they landed on.

Makes sense, right?

People HATE feeling “bait and switched”

Now let’s take that example and directly relate it to advertising Elite Marketing Pro’s content and offers.

Let’s say you’ve created an ad that’s all about your story, your journey, and where you are sending people.

For example…

“My life was a wreck. The bills were piling up. My family was growing, but my paycheck wasn’t. I was down and out with my luck and didn’t know where to turn. I wanted more, but was lost. Then, incredibly. I found this one awesome thing that completely changed everything. Now I’m livin’ large, working at home in my jammies. Click here to learn more!”

Then you send them to an Elite Marketing Pro blog post (kinda like this one), which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the story you just told them.

See the issue?

Basically that person saw your ad, read your story, and decided…

“Oh man, I want to learn more about what’s going on here and what they have to say about this.”

So they click, but arrive at a blog post that’s completely different.

The tone of the blog post is completely different, the author is different…

It’s all different!

That’s going to turn whoever clicked off!

They’re going to think…

“This isn’t what I expected. Now there’s this long blog post that doesn’t have anything to do with the story I just read, and I don’t know why I’d want to stick around and read this.”

That’s ad scent!

You always want your ad (including your copy and image) to directly relate to what’s on your landing page (which was a blog post in this example).

Because if their experience isn’t congruent, your prospects are not going to be interested in sticking around.

I mean, sure, you might get a few people who are like…

“Okay, maybe this sounds interesting. I’ll read on.”

But most people are going to click “back,” get on with their day, and find the next thing in their News Feed.

When your ad and landing page aren’t congruent…

It will drive up your cost per click

It’ll also impact your Relevancy score

And you’ll start getting those ‘fun’ comments that really make you question whether this whole entrepreneurship thing is worth it or not

Another way to look at ad scent

Everybody’s looking for the next new Facebook “trick” and wondering why kind of audience they should be advertising to.

Daegan Smith came up with a perfect analogy of a little deer sipping water at a bubbling brook.

Say you’re walking along through the forest and you come across that particular deer.

Any sort of rustling or quick movement is going to scare that little deer away.

You got to think about your prospects in the exact same way.

For example, if they click on your ad and the landing page doesn’t appear to be what they signed up for, they’re probably going to get scared and question whether you’re legit.

At the worst, they’re going to report your ad as spam (which you don’t want).

Otherwise, they might get on with their day.

Ad scent is a fundamental marketing principle

It’s really not a ‘trick’ at all, but it’s something you always want to keep in mind when you’re advertising blog posts, capture pages, videos, and pretty much everything else.

You need to ask yourself…

“Does the language in my ad match where the prospect will land when they click the ad? Is it creating a natural progression toward my landing page”

…which would be your blog post.

So look at your ads and ask yourself:

Does the the language on my ad match the language on my landing page?

One last tip:

When you’re creating your ads, make sure you’re unclicking the “Audience Network” box in your placements.

I still see a lot of people forgetting to do that, and frankly, Facebook doesn’t make it easy.

They don’t make it stand out, so when you’re creating your ad always make sure you’re unchecking that box.

Because, and just trust me on this one, your results, in most cases, are not going to be as good if you use Audience Network.

And finally, one more time, always be sure to…

Question whether your ad matches your landing page!

Overall, just remember that if you’re not seeing the conversions that you’re looking for, then it could very well be your ad scent or congruency.

Start there.

And one last tip…

As you can see, it can take a fair bit of trial and error to figure out what works.

However, I do know a shortcut that’s helped dozens of marketers quickly create profitable campaigns (often within just a few days).

And that’s taking us up on an over-the-shoulder tour of…

Our highest-converting ads (and their most congruent landing pages)

Here at Elite Marketing Pro, we’ve put together a point-for-point tutorial revealing our exact advertising process in a 100% FREE traffic workshop…

Which is hosted by none other than Tim Erway, our CEO and co-founder.

Simply pick a time and register right here.

You’ll discover how you can put together a profitable ad campaign in just 10 minutes a day with as little as $10 in initial ad spend.

And build your team.

In fact…

We’ve used the exact formula to turn a $10 test campaign into $141,246.30 in sales.

Those are 100% real numbers, and Tim will show exactly how we did it.

Hint: mastering ad scent is a big piece of the puzzle.

So if you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for?

Pick a time that works for you to attend Tim’s traffic workshop right here.

Until next time,
Matt Baran
Traffic Specialist
Elite Marketing Pro

Lessons from A Dandelion

Dandelions. The bane of every gardener’s existence.

Come spring, those little buggers take over vast grasslands with ease.

One shows up and the next morning you’re in dandelion hell.

Ever wonder how they do it?

And more importantly…

How it relates to you?

Well we did.

Listen to this - it’s 2 quick minutes that’ll give you insights most never experience.

Lessons from A Dandelion


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Watch My Personal Million Dollar Marketing and Sales System


You're one of the first to see this...

The Magic Video

When you're just starting out, it's hard to imagine making hundreds, or thousands of dollars working from home especially if you haven't made your first dime yet...

I get it...

That's why I wanted you to see this cash pulling system...

Watch this video now

You see, people love to complicate things, especially when it comes to making real money online...

But if you want to see how easy it can be... And how much money you can get when you use a simple marketing and sales system that has been tested and proven to work, then…

Click the link below, and prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

Could you make money if you watch this?



Can You Make 30 Million Online?

It’s not every day I get excited like I am today about something as revolutionary as what you’re about to see.

You probably already know that our indsutry is full of hype and self-proclaimed gurus, selling bad and often dangerous advice to others. And that’s putting it mildly.

It’s often hard to tell crap from the real thing.

And is one of the main reasons why most people struggle and burn through gobs of money before seeing any results. If they do ever.

Which is why I’m thrilled to introduce you to a friend of mine, Tim Erway who is an absolute rockstar in this business.

Actually, scratch that. He is the mentor to many of the rockstars and leaders in this industry.

Tim has an incredible track record of success, banking over $30 Million in sales online.

And what’s even more impressive, helping many of his students create 6-Figure, 7-Figure, and some even 8-Figure internet empires.

Tim developed a bulletproof system that can predictably and consistently crank out leads, sales, and create big paydays, even if you’re brand spanking new and haven’t made a dime online yet.

Recently he recorded a video with all the details explaining exactly how he was able to sell Tens of Millions of Dollars worth of products online… and how ANYONE can use the exact same system to get rapid results.

You can check it out right here.

Is Your Dream Important?

I believe all human beings have dreams placed inside of them that are important…

… and certain dreams are GIVEN to you, because only you can carry them out.

But in many cases, dreams are simply lost.

Life gets in the way, reality sets in and achievement becomes “HARD”.

It takes work to become something truly great.

It takes work to create something worth sharing.

And it takes the ability to dream BIG in order to create the future you know you deserve.

Today I have a very timely message for you.

If you’ve ever given up on a dream (even a dream you’ve never shared)…You need to hear this.

This, I’m sure, will spark a belief that your dreams CAN and WILL be created at one point or another either by you or by somebody else.

Watch this today if you’ve ever had a dream - Click Here