Tuesday, August 11, 2020

3 Secrets to Getting Rich, Being Rich and Staying Rich

Part One - The 3 Secrets 3 Secrets to Getting Rich, Being Rich and Staying Rich

3 Hidden, Simple Life Hacks That Will Vault You Into The 1%

This plan is all about showing you a way to make all the money you need,
to do all those things you want to do.

You have been lied to.

You have been deceived.

You have been misled.

The rich are getting richer.

What about you?

This plan you are about to read is the first 100% "get-it-done" plan that will reveal the real secrets to getting rich, being rich and staying rich. And why you are not.

I'm sure you know, at some level, that there are some secrets the rich have kept from you. Most people say, "No, that's not true, they are just lucky." But if you're like me, you've had this sneaky suspicion that there is something you don’t know, that the people who are getting rich do know – and they aren’t sharing it with you.

You’re right.

There are secrets to getting, being and staying rich and you are about to learn them here.

There are only 3 Secrets.

I reveal all three here in this plan. By the time you finish reading this, if you follow this plan to the letter, commit to it 100% with all your heart, soul and mind and let nothing and no one get in your way – especially your family, friends and co-workers, then this plan will work, you will get rich, you will be rich and you will stay rich.

How can I be so sure?

I am 100% certain this plan will work. How do I know this? Because I have used these same principles with some of the biggest and best companies in America (which weren’t so big or good when I began working with them) and with people who saw their net worth double every year they used this plan.

You are about to unlock the secrets of why you are not rich and why some people are. I have harnessed these principles to turn several smaller companies into Huge companies – whose names you know, if I were to mention them.

As you study every word of this book, you’ll be stunned at what you learn. By the time you finish reading this report you’ll know the secrets that have been hidden away from the “have-not’s” and kept secret by the “haves.”

You are about to become one of the “haves.”

Let's begin.

Phase One

Success Rate

This is important. Internet regulations and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines require that every online opportunity must provide you with their actual success rate of people who have used the material.


This plan has a 100% success rate for every person who has followed this plan to the letter, committed to it with all their heart, soul and mind, done everything it says to do and do not allow anyone to stop them or derail them from following this plan.


I don't know of any other plan or online opportunity or even any franchise that can make such a claim, not even McDonald's (R).

What happens if you skip a portion? What about if you allow people to cause you to doubt this plan? What if their fears cause you to question this? What is the result if you don't follow this plan absolutely to the letter? Failure! 100% failure.

Look. I've done my homework; I've paid my dues. I'm not some online guru, some seminar/webinar guy or woman or some coach that is trying to sell you some plan that is guaranteed to make $1,000 a day from home and is telling you that “all you have to do is buy my program for $497 and then purchase the upsell for $997 and the pro membership for $2,997 and $197 a month." And then it doesn't work!

Nope. That's not me. I won't do that to you.

What I'm giving you - and what this plan is - is the best, easiest and most simple (is that correct grammar?) way to get rich that there is. HANDS DOWN.

If you want to make a million dollars, just scale this plan.

(Or, skip ahead to page 311 for a Step-by-Step plan.)

What you are now reading is a set of action steps, secrets and principles that will make you all the money you want to make - so you can do the things you want to do - ALL of them.

They aren't difficult, they aren't hard to learn, a sixth grader could do them - you just have to do them.

No, you won't get rich tomorrow, not even in a few months. But in a few months, you'll be well on the way. Just stick with this plan and you'll get there.

Yes, this plan is hard, but only in the sense that you have to stay at it and keep doing it and you have to do stuff that will most likely be Waaay out of your comfort zone.

Yeah, I get it. This isn't easy, it's hard, but what they say is the truth, "if it was easy, everyone would do it."

I can't guarantee you will succeed, but I can guarantee this plan works if you do it - all of it. I will also guarantee that you'll have days when you want to quit, when everything you've done, all the hard work - it all seems to have gone to $#!^ and all you want to do is quit.


If you've been working this plan. Working it. Working it and working it, and just nothing seems to be happening - and you say, "What the!?" and throwing in the towel is what you want to do...

Don't do it - keep going.

Don't be the one who doesn't follow through with this plan. You want to get rich; you don't want to stay stuck in the mediocrity of poverty. You don't want all your tomorrows to be just like your today.

This plan works if you do it, it fails if you do not do it.

3 Secrets to Getting Rich, Being Rich and Staying Rich

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The 5 Prophecies - A Message for Today for the Children of God

The Lord your God says:

1. The USA is Babylon of Revelation and will be judged and destroyed unless the people repent and call upon the Lord and return to Him. This judgment has already begun with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and more to come.

2. God is in the process of separating the wheat from the chaff.

3. All Believers must repent, you/we have failed God by allowing God, the Word and Jesus to be removed from our schools, government, businesses and homes and hearts. We no longer discipline our children or train them in the Way of God. As a result, the churches have failed and no longer preach/teach the Word of God; they teach false doctrine to tickle your ears. All Believers must work hard to get Jesus and the Bible back into our local schools, local homes, local families, local businesses, local courts, local colleges, local sports, local elections, local churches and your heart.

4. Abortion is a blood sacrifice to the adversary and must be stopped; every life is sacred from the moment of conception.

5. Donald Trump - regardless of how coarse he may be - was selected by God to be President at this time, to grant a reprieve from judgment for this nation, to lead this nation back to God, strength, prosperity, stability and international respect and to give the people a chance to repent and return themselves and this nation back to God.

Vote for Donald Trump in 2020 and vote for a solid slate of conservative Believers to the greatest degree you can.

The Reprieve – Although the United States is Babylon, the final judgment is not now. God has appointed Donald Trump to lead us away from catastrophe and away from judgment. To not support Donald Trump is to support the evil one.

Those who have ears to hear will hear, those who do not, will not.

The Coronavirus Prophecy

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Coronavirus Prophecy

The Coronavirus is a national and worldwide "timeout" sent to us by God.

Our work, sports, entertainment, movie theaters, bars and eat-in restaurants have all been shut down and closed.

This has happened to give us a chance to forget about our idols and to:

  1. Focus on God, your relationship to God
  2. Rebuild and reconnect with our families and create good memories with them
  3. To serve our neighbors
  4. Not to hoard, not to be scared or panic and to be good stewards of the bounty of a great nation that God has given us.

Food will be delivered on time, toiletries will be delivered on time and other products will be delivered to the stores on time.

All those things you need will be delivered to the stores on time and in the quantities needed.

You may not get what you want, but you will get what you need.

If people stop panicking, there would be plenty to go around.

God has given us the 10 Commandments.

That's a good starting point.

Two additional commandments are

  1. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, and,
  2. To love your neighbor as yourself.

God is asking us to turn away from all sin and from all the idols: online sports, video games and entertainment such as Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and HBO Now etc.

He is asking us to set aside shopping online. Stop buying things on Amazon, eBay, Wish or a million other sites.

Do this just for now, just for the time being, just for this time out, then go back to watching and buying those things online again as you feel is necessary.

Obey the rules and guidelines the government has given you for this time for these are from God.

We are all children of God. God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus to die for us.

The blood of Jesus has washed us clean of our sins if we only accept this free gift as it was given.

God is asking us right now to accept His gift and set aside our sins and idols (and an idol is anything that interferes with or supercedes our relationship to God), and focus on following the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1 - Love all as God loves you.

And remember, you are worthy of being loved.

Cook your own food from fresh, unprocessed food or order for delivery from those restaurants in your area. Avoid fast foods and greasy foods.

Honor your soul, honor your body, honor your spirit.

You honor your body by treating it with care and respect. Keep it clean. Wear clean, fresh clothes. Groom daily.

Honor your body where possible by getting outdoors and walking or by yoga, meditation, reading, working out or exercise, or by any other means that honors the body and does not dishonor God.

God is asking us to come to Him, to fight through every obstacle in our lives - our money, our work, our careers, sports, entertainment, gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs or crime - to set all these aside - and find Him.

We are not to judge between each other. That is God's job which He has given to His Son Jesus to administer.

Our job is to love all equally, not to judge, not to call another a sinner, because we all are sinners.

We are to love all equally, treat all equally and set aside our politics, our hatreds and divisions, our religions and denominations, our beliefs and our rights and wrongs and simply honor each other equally as God does and as we honor God.

From now on, and after this moment of travail has passed, focus not on your work, your career, politics, money or wealth or stock, your home or other possessions.

Focus on God.

Focus on God and on being a good steward of those things He has given you.

Focus on doing what is right.

Open your Bible and read it, pray to God and listen, ask questions, seek to hear His voice, then do what He says. And what He says will never contradict the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1.

God wants us to do good to one another, to help one another, to love one another.

He wants us to store up treasures in heaven by honoring each other and by honoring ourselves.

Your body is God's temple and home, treat it as such. Treat others the same way.

Finally, God says if we do all these things the coronavirus will disappear and life will return to normal quickly.

If we do not do these things, judgment will come quickly.

God says; "Go, and sin no more."

Love yourself as God loves you.

You are worthy of being loved.

Love your neighbors; all men, all women, are your neighbors, regardless of their sexual identity or their sexual orientation.

Such things are God's business, not yours.

Obey the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1 (Love all equally), and honor your body.

Open your Bible, read it, pray, communicate with your family and friends, go online to do this as necessary, repent of your sins, ask Jesus into your heart and love yourself as God loves you.

Commit all your sins, worries, fears, concerns, hatreds and angers and bad memories to the Lord Jesus. Forgive all those who have done you wrong.

Jesus heals, He can and will heal you.

Be at peace, for all is well in the Lord.